Monday, June 28, 2010


I was surprised to find a voice mail on my phone from the surgeon's office on 6-25-10 stating that they had submitted my file and I had been approved by insurance!!! This was a huge surprise because I was told by my insurance company's bariatric nurse for dietary monitoring that I had to have one initial visit to weigh in, then have six additional visits for monitoring of diet and exercise for a total of seven visits. I didn't even know that the surgeon's office was going to submit my file to insurance one month early. I called the bariatric nurse to confirm that I have been approved and the good news is TRUE! Today I scheduled the surgery for August 5, 2010. So far, it is a "GO". Now I am just waiting to schedule pre-op testing, find out how much out-of-pocket I will have to pay, and to start the two week liquid diet.

Right now, it really hasn't sunk in - - - I'm still in shock that the approval happened so quickly and without any problems. I am blessed!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


My fifth appointment with my dietician went well. She seemed to see the end in sight! She is very encouraging and I only wish insurance would cover appointments to see her AFTER surgery. I had a 1.5 hour appointment with the surgery center nutritionist recently. She went over eating habits, vitamin requirements, protein supplements, etc. She also was very helpful. I am completely off of carbonated and caffeinated beverages now. I have one more hurdle before the surgery, which is mastering eating meals without drinking. I understand that this is a "MUST" for the by-pass surgery to work effectively. So......I will conquer this hurdle in the near future. One more appointment with the dietician and I will have completed the insurance requirements. I have completed all of the group support requirements and surgery center requirements. I keep a notebook of all of my records and documentation in this journey. That notebook is overflowing at this point! Physically and mentally I believe I am ready for this surgery. Emotionally, I hope I can cope and make it through. With God's help, I am sure I can. There are so many individual and family emotions invovled in this process - LONG TERM!