Sunday, December 27, 2009

In the Beginning

This blog has been created to document my journey to a better life. Overall, I have a GREAT life with a loving family, a great job and a loving church family. God has blessed me in many ways throughout my life. The part of my life that needs a major change is my health. I grew up with no weight problems whatsoever. As a child/teen could eat anything I wanted at any time of day or night and not worry about putting on pounds. That all changed VERY QUICKLY as a young adult. My desk job, of coarse, has led to a sedentary lifestyle and my laziness has lead to little or no activity after work. After marrying, our favorite thing to do was eat out and cook out. Luckily, there was no judgment of my weight gain from my husband....we were just two happy little pigs eating our way through life. Soon, we added twin boys to our family, which kept us very busy and tired. There was no time to sit around and eat after the boys were born, so I was able to lose down to my pre-pregnancy weight (even though I was still obese) very quickly and without much work. We built a house, settled down and the boys started school and soon the pounds started building back on. Of coarse, my husband could just drink slimfast for lunch and get his weight down, but not so for me. Once those pounds went on, they stuck like gorilla glue!!! I have tried fad diets through the years and could lose a few pounds here or there but always went back to my old eating habits and gained the lost pounds back - plus a few extra!

I have always taken care to get my annual gynocological exams and the doctor has always noted that my blood pressure is "up a little". Several years ago he suggested that I start getting regular exams from a PCP, so I did as he said and made an appointment. The PCP was very concerned with my blood pressure and put me on medication right away. He also put me on the dreaded DASH diet to help lower the blood pressure and help with the obesity. I was also concerned after this exam, so I vowed to change my eating habits by implementing the DASH diet to lower my blood pressure and weight and I would begin regular exercise. I jumped into this endeavor head first and while it was THE HARDEST THING I HAVE EVER DONE (even harder than raisng twin boys!!!), I was successful (for a while). I stuck to the diet and exercised religiously. I remember my PCP asking if I could make this a permanent lifestyle change. At the time, I answered yes, because I was feeling so successful after losing 53 pounds. This is the most committed I have ever been to getting healthy and is absolutely the most weight I have ever been able to lose. The truth is, I was miserable! Yes, I felt good that I could buy smaller clothes and I was getting complements left and right, but inside I was truly miserable! My diagnosis of myself: I am addicted to food. I don't have to be hungry to eat.....I love the way food tastes. I fell off the wagon and FELL HARD! Those 53 pounds (and of coarse a few extra) came back with a vengence and I simply gave up on the dieting and exercise.

Now I have another plan that will hopefully be a tool to help me lose the weight for good and to maintain a healthy lifestyle and weight. I am pursuing bariatric surgery. I persuaded my husband to attend a Bariatric Center of Excellence seminar. It was very informative and won me over. I feel like this is the answer to my obesity problem.

Where I am now: I have completed my paperwork (LOTS of paperwork) for the Surgeon's office. I have new insurance that takes effect January 1, 2010 that does cover weight loss surgery, so I am impatiently waiting for Monday, January 4, 2010 to roll around so I can contact the insurance company to get started on this journey. Once I talk to the insurance company, I can submit my paperwork to the Bariatric surgeoun's office and get started. Most likely I will have to go through six months of a supervised diet and six months of psychiatric counseling to meet insurance requirements. I don't look forward to wading through six months of delay, but if insurance will approve after all of that, I am willing to "do the time".